Wisdom – View from the Mountain Top
Wisdom is the view from the mountain top, from here the long winding path to it is a simple journey from A to B.

As one walks this path your shoes wear out and fall off, by the time you get to the mountain your clothes have fallen off in tatters as well. The garments of the ego have fallen to the journey. You must climb this mountain naked, confronting your vulnerability at every stage. In this state of nakedness, you feel every breath of wind, everything you touch you have awareness of, your feelings can no longer be ignored, they must be mastered.
This develops an awareness. When the top is reached there is an acute awareness of the simplicity seen from this elevated state, called wisdom, the vanities of the world below have fallen away, exposing the naked truth, I am.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. ‘I am’ is the nakedness, the path that leads to simplicity, the ‘way’, this is the truth of life if you actually live it.
(The Moon card is the Hebrew letter Qoph, ‘that which is transcendent of life and death’, the Mercury of the alchemist).