What I Am Offering…
As A Member:
I Am pleased to be able to offer Members ‘my work’: the Foundation Stone series, the first body of work I created to assist individuals to ‘know themselves’, to be able to process themselves, gain clarity of and objectivity to their life’s circumstance, and navigate via the archetypal language.
And The Secret I and II, audio recordings, transcribed and also put into the format of Flipbooks, designed to assist you to become familiar with and connect to the “Energy”, the Spiritual Alchemic Fire.
I will be posting additional information such as the latest support to Members “Choices are Yours to Make“. This book is additional material for Foundation Stone I, it is a look at the simplicity of the two most used words in our language, “Yes” and “No”. English words but universal sounds.
The above are readily available to Members for only a small annual fee to support the operation of this website.
Subscriptions/purchases available only to Members:
Christos Alchemic Meditation and In the House: Meditation, sitting meditation utilizing the Christos Alchemic meditation, I was energetically initiated into after a period of disciplined intention. A dynamic formula, energizing each of your bodies, subtle and gross. An energetic alchemic formula for personal change, spiritualizing your whole being, making your spiritual journey real. The energy is called at times ‘the spiritual fire’, if you play with fire you can get burnt. This is why I have put down a body of work that helps utilize this fire (first the Christos meditation within the Foundation Stone before its Alchemic component). The flame rises from matter, it dissolves what ‘matters’. There is a difference between clinging to the burning matter and transcendence of the flame that produces the light. This is a transmutation, one could say, ‘lead to gold’, matter or ‘what matters’, to enlightenment, the digestion of the matters of life.
The Way, the Builders of the Temple of Humanity, has a unique look at the tarot as an initiatic journey, and so much more.
The Table (Knights of the Round Table) work will be hosted very soon – it houses 20+ hours of video compiled from live audio of a 20 week live process on how to create a simple table which becomes a living platform, like a radionic device.