Today’s social engineering report!
Let us look at the issues in our world, we face,
from the pattern of enlightenment.
Not in duality.
Not with attachment and its belief.
Just what Is.
Without our mind’s stories justifying belief.
To do this we must empty out.
Be innocent of all but the moment.
Be present there.
One must be as a child, innocent, to enter the kingdom of heaven.
What is this kingdom of heaven?
For there to be an above, heaven, there must be by mere Nature a below, Earth,
for there can be no concept of above unless there is a below.
The duality of heaven and Earth.
The duality is solved when heaven and earth are one.
That which is above is as that which is below – they are one in sympathy.
Heaven on Earth, Sayeth the Christ.
The idea of heaven is a place of peace and beauty.
There are places in Nature where there is peace and beauty.
Only a form of violence can disturb this peace and beauty.
This violence in man is rooted in one of the 7 deadly sins.

There are 7 because the diameter that divides the circle, is 7 portions long,
and the circumference is one of those 7, 22 times.
Consider that the 1 of the 7 you are in,
is in the circumference 22 times
or the totality of your World.

The mind and brain are divided into 2 hemispheres,
the Sun and the moon, the waking and dreaming. Life and death.
This division is 7, the 7 sacred planets, the 7
virtues and 7 sins,
2 sides and a path, the sacred path.
What is sacredness?
There are 7 days of our week, and we are told, of creation,
7 colors to the rainbow that always lifts the spirit within.

Can you hold the idea of sacredness within
while dealing with life’s circumstance?
Your life is sacred, like the rainbow, a garment in the sky.
Without you, there can be no sense of sacredness,
for it is you eternally that senses it.
There is nothing to sense if you are not there to
sense it.
It is in you, whatever it is.
Senses are of Earth,
you have senses from your body,
the home you now inhabit.
If now is Earth, the body,
then heaven must be in the mind.
If you have thoughts of peace and beauty,
and if you become present with those thoughts,
you will also feel peace and beauty.
It is in you, and you, wrapped in it.

If you feel peace and beauty, then Heaven is on Earth.
Don’t make it hell on Earth, heaven is much better.
Love Nature, love Earth,
for it is here,
where you are,
this is sacredness.
When you are present, there is no past or future, no duality – sacredness!
This is the only place where heaven meets Earth, be
there now,
all fear and anxiety will simply fall away, they cannot enter now,
like spirits held outside the magician’s circle,
a sacred place, a place of sacredness.
Now, you are the master,
be master now, own it,
own this space,
it is all you have,
and you only have it for a moment.