The Tree Is Life
Have you ever considered what a tree is and why the Bible speaks of the Tree of Life, its fruit, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, duality, the fall and acquisition of wisdom?
The tree is rooted in the Earth, it takes nutrients from the constant fire of compost, life and death, from death comes life and from life comes death. The tree draws the lights from the heavens and feeds the darkness within the earth below. Tree breaths in reverse to man, it breaths in the out-breath and breaths out the in-breath. Tree supports man as man supports it. Here is the breath of life, in and out, a duality, where the one thing becomes the many. All life has a relationship with the Tree.
The greed of the worldly deforest the Earth to support their endless lust of desire, there is no give and take here, only take. If you breathe-in and not out you simply die, if breath-out and not in, you simply die, feeding the ever fire of compost. The Tree of life tells you this, it is a great, yet simple, wisdom. When a child has a tantrum obsessed by desire it holds its breath, in an attempt to fulfil desire, few appear to mature. Death releases the held breath and the tree breaths it in, the tree breaths out and new life takes its first breath.
There is profound wisdom here, the birds sing their songs sitting within the Tree. Hope is held in the language of the wise.