The Placebo Effect
Placebo, this is a fake medicine given in trials to compare with result of taking a test medicine. The placebo has no medicinal properties, it is considered that the brain is tricked into the idea that this medicine will make change and it does in some cases. It does not appear to have an effect on deeper systemic issues like blood pressure or tumors. There can be up to 60% success rate with placebos, some doctors actually prescribe placebos and get results, this is the science.
With such success one would assume this is well worth exploration, but a placebo is not a big money spinner for the pharmaceutical industry, and also strips away pride and prestige from ego deluded researchers and practitioners.
Belief is a powerful thing, “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe? All things are possible for one who believes.” Let us consider belief as a frequency and that frequency varies via the nature of the belief, its amplitude is dependent upon the energy behind that particular belief, thus our mind could be considered a frequency generator. If we could calculate these differing frequencies and amplify them, what are the effects – Vibrational therapeutics.
Dr. Royal Ramond Rife, the inventor of the electronic microscope, discovered that pathogens have an electromagnetic frequency and if you applied that frequency at a higher vibration/amplitude the pathogen exploded. He applied this to diseases, particularly cancer. A scientific trial was conducted with terminal cancer patients and there was a 100% success rate, all survived and prospered. His work was suppressed, and he was ruined, this was in the 1930’s. It worked on all manner of disease. The placebo effect, or the power of frequency – the same thing.
Homeopathy is based in law, the law of simillimum, like cures like, and the medicine has a potency or frequency – science does not get this, ‘what a surprise’. It is the same basis as Rife’s work, and it is suppressed and demonized.
Kabbalah is the basis of western occultism, at its root is ‘language’, the nature and frequency of sound. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God”, frequency! Throughout all advanced cultures, spiritualized cultures, is evidence of the understanding of frequency; Tibet, Egypt and so on. Music moves us, sweet words soothe us, and a smile lifts us.
We as a society, in a covert manner, are banned from this understanding for the vested interests of those who profit by control, who claim authority of knowledge by corrupting science.
It is said that the cure for every disease is within the disease, Rife and Homeopathy support this and so does placebo – the cure science could not hide for it is at the heart of its procedure of testing to find truth. This demonstrates law.
Many years ago, I with a group of others ran firewalks all around Australia. There is no trick as such, the fires are around 1100 degrees and you can get burnt, I have been burnt. The basic procedure we used was simple, belief! We had the participants visualize they were walking on the fire and not getting burnt. Prior to the walk we practiced various meditations over a couple of hours culminating in dancing to good reggae music (because I like it), the dancing helped ground the focused intent into the body, took it out of the head you might say, and they walked the fire, mind over matter. Even those who did not get the visualizing walked, the frequency of the group radiated strongly enough that they too were affected and walked safely.
Belief is not a good or bad thing, it is a dynamic – it is not truth, truth is neither good nor bad, it is unto itself.
If we allow ourselves to entertain the idea of frequency, healing, this threatens the authority of the medico pharma sciences authoritarian regime as well as big tech and its 5g etc. It enters every thought and belief you entertain, it brings into the forefront of life the way of enlightenment, true spirituality, a change in consciousness like that of a second coming.