The Grand Cross & 9 11

There is a thing Jung discovered after being introduced to alchemy and kabbalistic works, particularly Paracelsus, he called it synchronicity – when the ducks line up and the very topic is expressed in the phenomenal world. To enter this with some safety one needs to train the mind, by tradition it is said that one must be 40 years of age to enter true kabbalah, this is a pun on 40. 40 is the Hebrew letter Mem, if you say mmmm you will notice your mouth is closed, this suggests a still meditative mind, being present here now, without preconceptions fueled by desire and belief. The state of meditation takes you beyond all belief and desire, if you desire to be in meditation, you are in desire not meditation, if you believe you are in meditation you are in belief not meditation. There is much for the contemplation here.

Upon the Tetragrammic key to the mysteries (a flame with the Hebrew letters YHVH placed upon the 4 divisions of the flame) the letter Yod (Y) is the all-encompassing flame, it contains all of the aspects of the flame, worlds of creation in one unified whole – where Yod, at the tip of the flame goes, the flame follows, it shows the wind, the influences at any moment like a needle upon a compass or a flag upon a pole, the sound of the Angels trumpet (Shin).

Upon the pentagram the spirit triangle shows the direction of things, upright or reversed. Shin the Hebrew letter with 3 prongs is the spirit of God, it is the universal energy that pervades all space, all things are a differing vibration of this one thing, as Hermes says, “all things are from this one thing by adaptation, the Father is the Sun, the Mother the Moon, the Wind carried it in its belly and the Nurse thereof is the Earth”. Here again is the Tetragrammic key, the Cherubim/sphinx, the helpers of God in creation.
Our Yod/Y is the divine spark that fell from the triplicity demonstrated in Shin. Yod ignited the flame of life, and the flame rose, without it there is no life, it sits above the head of every individual life waiting for the inhabitant to look up a see its guiding light. The tip of Yod is in Kether, Kether is called your Godhead, it is the first limitation for it is 1. Beyond Kether are 3 veils of negative existence as opposed to positive existence. These, the veils, are Ain, Ain soph, and Ain soph aur. Ain is empty, no thing, Ain soph is no limit, Ain soph aur limitless light and finally Kether I am, the crown of the King.
Yod is the spark from here, it fell into matter and ignited a flame called life, this flame burns through the limitations of matter, purifying as it rises to the height from which it fell, creating the light of the world, “I and the father are one”.

Yod is the Hermit card, Virgo, the ever virgin, a purer mind who stands upon the mountain of Chokmah (wisdom) with the tip of his head in Kether – the first individuation from the undivided limitlessness. Yod is a steady state, never changing, your supreme self.
This is the true source of synchronicity, when the burning within matter, the world of action Assiah, the final Hey, H of Tetragrammaton, is united throughout all of the worlds with the Yod. You have a mental awareness, Vau, the blue-black flame, you see the light, “you see” the Hey above – the white light – the creative world Briah, and the archetypal world of Atziluth Yod – all in one unified moment, the all-encompassing flame. The worlds line up, your connection your divine nature is NOW apparent, the more you become at one with it, the more you become one, not two but at onement.

This synchronistic dynamic has a language, the language of archetypes. An archetype is the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind originate, first form.
John 1:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 The same was in the beginning with God.3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
The words of this language are the one tongue that the tower of Babel speaks, before the tower was struck there was one tongue, after the tower fell there were many tongues and the tribes could not understand one another.
The tower of Babel is seen in the tarot card the Tower, it is the Hebrew letter Phay 80 – the mouth. The card shows the lightening flash, the sword that turned every way, the order of creation. “So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every WAY, to keep the way of the tree of life”.

The Tree of life is best considered as a living tree, it is one thing not many. Your body is one living thing, if I gruesomely cut the pieces into individuals the living body becomes a body that once lived. The reverse of that which Lived is the Devil, simple enough (look at the words)? See things whole? Holy? Synchronically!

In the Tarot card of the Star, Hope, is a bird in a tree – “the language of the birds”, this is one name for this sacred language of the archetypes, the relationship between the birds that just happen to fly by and the tree they land in, Kabbalah. The Star is Aquarius, the Zodiacal age we are now entering.
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Oh, let it shine, c’mon
Now everybody just sing along
Let the sun shine in
Open up your heart and let it shine on in
When you are lonely, let it shine on
Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in
And when you feel like you’ve been mistreated
And your friends turn away
Just open your heart, and shine it on in
Songwriters: Galt MacDermot / Gerome Ragni / James Rado
Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
One would expect a synchronistic event at the time of Aquarius. The Star card shows 8, 8 pointed Stars. 8 is 2 4’s or a double cross, a grand cross. The alchemist Fulcanelli published a mysterious work called “Le Mystere Des Cathedrales, The Mystery of the Cathedrals”, first published in 1926, the second publication was in 1957 and in it appeared a new piece, “The cross of Hendaye” – there is much online if you wish to explore. Fulcanelli suggests this is a significant monument suggesting our times, and the potential of a cataclysmic event, the grand cross where Pisces becomes Aquarius and the Yugas, Kali Yuga to Sathya Yuga.

Sathya Yuga, only truth prevails (Sanskrit Satya = truth). During the Treta Yuga, the universe lost one-fourth of the truth, Dwapar lost one-half of the truth, and now the Kali Yuga is left with only one-fourth of the truth. Evil and dishonesty have therefore gradually replaced truth in the last three ages. Kali Yuga becomes Sathya Yuga. Some say Dvapara Yuga is next, I say Sathya for 2 main reasons, we are in the very auspicious time a great Avatar, incarnation of God is now in the final 3rd consecutive incarnation: Shirdi Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba and now Prema Sai baba.

The central incarnation demonstrates the truth of who we really are, his message is you are in reality ‘God’. This is the greatest of truths, if this truth is realized in any manner it is cataclysmic to our ego, its beliefs and attachements. The world as we knew it, in a flash of light is destroyed, total anialation. But it is not a bad thing, it is liberation, for anyone who has undergone spiritualization will have understanding of what this means. There is a great reckoning here, a balancing of the scales of karma, you make ajustment or it adjusts you, “light like a feather but as heavy as lead,” Bob Marley

The Tetragrammic key when vibrated creates the space; north, south, east and west. Once there is space the energy fills it. If you have no awareness of the energy, your space is full. The energy, the spirit of God, Shin is 3-fold, the grand cross is 4 yet in a way it is 2 crosses or 8, a space in time. This space in time draws forth the threefold spirit Shin in the form of a 3 in 1 Avatar. This is very significant; it does not happen every day. When a space is cleared in Nature new life will fill it.
We have 5 letters, Tetragrammaton and Shin, this spells Jeshuah, Jesus. The second coming, the Avatar brings forth a consciousness which many are beginning to enter.

The master Peter Deunov gave a prophecy in the 1940s, he said there would be a time at the end of Kali Yuga when a spiritual fire would come upon earth changing consciousness – this is the Christian time of Judgement, the end of time for the Mayans. The letter Shin is the card of Judgement, Revelations is the revealing where truth and its karma is confronted.

Here the wind moves the flame, the Yod, the Angels trumpet sounds…
events express the archetype of the great change, 9 11. Where the darkness of the passing corruption came to the light as a bird landing within the tree.
Upon the cross of Hendaye are the letters INRI Latin Igne Natura Renovatur Integra (“by fire, nature renews itself”); Shin is the spiritual fire, this fire ignites impurities, when ignited they come before consciousness as a bright star in the night sky. The impurity is activated by the fire, the karmic adjustment required can place one in circumstances where it is consciously confronted. Most egos are busily avoiding taking responsibility for circumstance; thus, a simple adjustment turns into a major event that has no avoidance.
If you consider that the environmental issues we face today have been avoided for decades, and are still today, those with vested interest cannot surrender their vested interest for the welfare of Earth and its life, they have resorted to spraying the sky with metals to reflect the sun, poisoning everyone. Greed is the poison, but it materializes in toxic metals – here we see the language expressing itself in such a manner that it is written in the sky above our heads, but few actually see – another signature, a word in a never-ending conversation. This avoidance culture I call the cult of the ego; it is expressed in the worship of celebrity and its fame – Bob Marely sang, “every needs got an ego to feed”.

9 11 2001 the event that changed the world.
Many of us actually watched this horror live to air, all around the world this was before the awareness, it could not be avoided, we all took note. The Tarot cards are of the most significant archetypes upon Earth. From the Sphinx to the great pyramid is a passage, the great hall of initiation. Upon each wall are 11 base reliefs, they are the original archetypes of the tarot’s major arcana. 11 on each wall 11 11 = 22.
Many see this 11 11 as significant as it has a synchronicity to appear in an appropriate manner. The path to the inner immortal life, the great hall, has 7 stages. There are 22 letters to the Hebrew alphabet, 22 paths connecting the Tree of Life and 22 chapters of the Revealing (Revelations) – this is not coincidental, they all represent the same thing.

Pi the equation of the circle, the all, is 22/7, the circumference is 22 divisions of which each is equal to each of the 7 divisions of the diameter – from the equation unfolds the Tree of life and much more.

This is the symbol of the salt of alchemy, created by fire removing all of the deadhead, impurities, attachments, leaving the mineral basis of the matter, the basic archetypal building blocks one might say. The fire of judgement, karma, simplifying what matters, this is what the major arcanum represents, the building blocks of conscious life.

Let us look at the salt of 9 11, the Moon card the card of Pisces has 2 towers, twin towers. The grand cross is the changing of the Zodiacal age from Pisces to Aquarius. The other cross is that of the Yugas from Kali Yuga, the Iron age to Sathya Yuga the Golden age. At its end Iron rusts and corrupts – iron is the metal of Mars whose card is the Tower. With a little imagination superimpose the Tower upon the Moon and the twin towers fall in a violent manner.
The Moon is a symbol that represents the occult side of things, the psyche, the hidden world. The ego clings to its power often until death strips it away. Dawn and dusk of these cosmic cycles is a long span of time, the darkest hour is right before the dawn, Nature shows us.
The coming age Aquarius is the humanitarian, the house of true democracy, it is an air sign. The towers of Pisces were in conflict with the planes in the air, that’s not hard to put together, child’s play. As this is an archetypal statement spoken through world changing events it be wise to look deeply into what it tells us. The Star card has the bird in the tree, it sees all, the Moon cannot hide from the night bird, the owl, that wise old bird.

The owl is a symbol of wisdom, for he hunts in the Moonlight just as the sacred language exposes hidden things, occult things.
The Moon card says there is hidden things within this event. The Tower is the letter Phay 80, the mouth. There were many things said to create particular images to sway public opinion (Aquarius) so other activities could take place undercover (Pisces).

9 is the sphere of Yesod, the first image and 11 Daath, the portal of the Beast. The Beast is given the name Choronzon Segal by Crowley, both names have the value of 333 thus combined = 666. This equation divides the total into two thus we have the symbol of salt 2 halves of the circle divided. Daath upon the Tree is the portal to the great abyss that separates the supernal triad of enlightenment, divine revelation from the rest of creation – here we see the process of salt, where the attachments are energized. If we look into our world, the entire economy is based in desire, consumerism is smothering the spiritual nature of man. This is the work of the beast 11 keeping the impure from the supernal light, acting through images based in the sexual force of Yesod 9, the image underlining the Kingdom/society we live in. 9 +11 = 20. 20 is the letter Kaph the archetype of receivers, “reap what you sow” Kaph is the wheel card ‘a cycle of time’.

There are 8 spokes to the wheel, with the words Tora, Tetragrammaton, the Law of the 4 lettered Name, the cross in time. The serpent has bitten its tail, the Tao of this is finished. There is much more this has to say but one can only eat so much in one meal.
The Sathya Yuga, the golden age – gold is the metal of the Sun, a card that shows a new child, a new consciousness, a transmutation lead Saturn who rules death, endings and karma, and the Sun rises, a new day, gold. Reap what you sow, sow seeds of virtue and all prosper, sow seeds of selfishness and falsehood, and all suffer – this is a time of harvest.

Copyright Paul Tisdell, Spiritual Life 1.02.2022