Wisdom is Chokmah upon the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; it is the 2nd sphere of the supernal triad.

The supernal is considered way too high for most to attain, I do not adhere to that idea. The spheres of the Tree are all connected, what this suggests is these things are present in our consciousness, but we have in some cases yet to connect with the processes we possess, we do not know ourselves, this life did not come with an obvious instruction manual. The Hebrew letter lammed is known as the ‘conscious connecting link’, it is the card of Justice, law.
It is said the wisdom of hindsight is of little help, this is a very significant key, if we learn from hindsight there is transmutation. We, in our society have many sayings that express truth that sits just below the awareness, and this is one. Hindsight is a reflection upon things, the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, reflection is the key. Many reflect upon the day’s events, if in doing this you have what I call an inner wise person, someone you consider has attained wisdom, ask how they would deal with your reflection? Simple! apply it, prove it.
The kabbalah has 4 worlds corresponding to Tetragrammaton, YHVH – Atziluth is Yod the divine world, the world of archetypes. Your inner wise person is an archetype by its nature and can connect to the divine.

What is this divine? It is within all things, as Hermes says; “True without error, that which is above is as that which is below, for performing the miracles of the one thing, and as all things are from this one thing by adaptation. The Father is the Sun…….”, the tetragrammic key is seen here.

Moses was Given the 10 commandments, the Tree of Life by Tetragrammaton. A simple insight as to what this tells us is that Tetragrammaton, YHVH is law and knowing this law it enacts without our effort, first there was a bush that burned, yet did not burn, the flame.

Upon the sacred flame which I speak of often, Yod is the all-encompassing flame (archetypal world), it contains the other worlds; the creative, the formative and action. This by the nature of the Tetragrammic key tells us that the archetype has its effect in the light of the flame (enlightening the mind) the blue-black flame (the thinking) and in the action of events. This is synchronicity, the worlds line up.

It is that simple, it is law, “the wise do little and achieve much, while the foolish do much and achieve little”, from the Tao Te Ching. The work is in you staying present and detached enough to read it, the language that speaks through all things.
By a childish reflection with an imagined wise person this greater dynamic can be brought into being – “One must be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven”, said Christ.
Could it be so simple? Moses used the names YHVH Adonai, Tetragrammaton Lord. Adonai is the God name of Malkuth the kingdom. It is child’s play.

In alchemy the 3 principles of Sulphur (soulfire), Mercury (the light of the Moon) and Salt (salt of the Earth), are expressed in the Sun, the Moon and Earth. These 3 are the most obvious heavenly bodies having the greatest bearing upon our lives and Nature.
Let us consider for this simple understanding that Kether, the 1st sphere upon the Tree is the Sun of our alchemic triplicity, the source of light. The 2nd sphere, Chokmah reflects the light just as the Moon, this reflected light, our Moonlight reflects into the waters of mind contained in the grail called Earth, Binah the 3rd sphere, and we understand.
This dynamic process works its way through all of the worlds, Binah is the Planet Saturn who rules stones (the Philosopher’s stone). The Lord’s prayer has 10 stanzas, each has its place upon the Tree. If you follow the prayer through the Tree with this simple practice in mind, you will see it come into being.

Our inner wise person, Yod, is the archetype of wisdom, just by chance, maybe? Yod is the card of the Hermit, the wise council. Yod is ‘the supreme self’ and the sign Virgo the virgin, Yod is a seed, look at it , it is this seed that impregnates the virgin that gives birth to the Son of God. When the letters of Tetragrammaton are placed upon the Tree, Yod is in Chokmah whose totem is the mountain, this is the mountain whereon the Hermit stands. If you look at his head it is in the shape of Yod, for as it is said “the tip of Yod is in Kether”.

Who would have ever thought a simple child’s play could have such deep significance? Simplicity is the Key for the view from the mountain top sees the many windings of the path as a simple journey from A to B.
Paul Tisdell – 21/12/2021