The Way-The Builders of the Temple of Humanity
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The Tarot like herbal medicine, astrology, dreams etc., is mocked by the real world. Strangely enough the new God of our time, science, collects data and makes projections, a modern-day prophet, or profit – not sure of the spelling.
Reading the Tarot cards is considered divination, frowned upon and evil by the church that once controlled the world. What does the word divination mean? Some can divine for water and find underground springs, a well, the waters of life. Divine is Divinity, Deity, God, the suffix ‘ation’ means action or process. So, we have a divine way which can access the waters of life below the surface of things. I can see why divination is such a threat to the authoritarian states that rule and have ruled the real world.
Like divining for water, the key is with the individual divining, this takes an opening within the individual and practice, with the courage to venture, learn from failure and gain strength from success. Science tests things, learns from its failures and its results are strengthened by success, only one wears a white coat and assumes authority of knowledge.
Like a charlatan reading cards, much of science today is bought and owned by vested interests. Only the card reader is condemned for profiting from their venture.
“Now a word from our sponsor”, in an e-book that can be purchased from our website is much on the structure of the Tarot. The title of the book is the “Way, the Builders of the Temple of humanity”. I would like to bring your attention to the builders of the temple, a temple is a sacred house. If you view the 22 major Arcana, the first numbered card is the Magician, the only card that hints at creating something from the 4 elements which are also seen in the Egyptian Sphinx, the 4 Cherubim, holy creatures of God. One must pass through the trials of the Sphinx, your elemental nature, before you gain entry into the house of God, the Holy pyramid, where the initiate lays dead in the sarcophagus for 3 days before resurrecting, after passing through the illusion of death – sounds like a familiar story. Divine Nation, divination, the land of the Gods. To create Divine nation from divination the N is key between the two words (two worlds). The N sound is the Hebrew letter Nun 50; via the correspondences between the Tarot and the holy Kabbalah Nun is “an individual existence”, and the card of death, a coincidence that the initiate of ancient Egypt had to die in order to be initiated, dead to the world, “be in the world but not of it”, said the Christ, another coincidence?
There are 22 major arcanum of the tarot, 22 chapters of Revelations, 22 Hebrew letters, 22 paths of the Tree of Life and the formula of Pi, the circle, is 22/7; 7 days of creation and 22 chapters of the revealing, the beginning and ending of the Bible, all a catch 22, I am sure.
The Majors are the most sacred archetypes of the western world, they hold the way, the eternal teaching that has been passed down from Egypt to the world, so it was not lost. Hidden as an amusement, a place of deception, trickery and evil, the 22 that reveal, the revelations of Divine Nation.