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- The Foundation Stone courses I, II & III (see summary below)
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The Members section contains a growing body of work. The Foundation Stone and The Secret are the first to greet you. The Foundation Stone is the foundation of the work and its language. The secret accesses the energy, the secret alchemic fire. There are 5 volumes here, not for speed reading, which include meditations and practices that create the foundation to build your temple, that holy place where your spirit dwells.
The Way, the Builders of the Temple of Humanity, has a unique look at the tarot as an initiatic journey, and so much more. The Table (Knights of the Round Table) work will be hosted very soon - it houses 20+ hours of video compiled from live audio of a 20 week live process on how to create a simple table which becomes a living platform, like a radionic device.
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To enlighten you.
Because it is a spiritual language, an archetypal language. Our language does not really have terms that hold some aspects of the nature of consciousness. It also links to other works that express the Way, then one can see they are all by the same author, he just used different scribes.
It is a well-rounded practice given to me at the beginning of my journey, it developed over time. One could call it a ritualized meditation, a radiesthesia or archetypal pattern, this suggests the mere pattern alone has an energetic response. The letters of Tetragrammaton are placed upon the body via sympathy, the parts of the body they are sympathetic with, these 4 letters represent not only man, they are a great key to the mysteries. Consider them as the electric poles and the magnetic poles, 4 poles, the magnets and the wiring of an electro magnetic engine, once the energy, Shin, is connected up, away it goes.
The Christos alchemic is an alchemic process, it separates the 3 principles of salt, sulphur and mercury, distils them with the secret alchemic fire, the energy, thus purifies them. Harmonically marries them so the subtle body, the energetic body flows, this is a state of consciousness that we are rarely conscious in. It is the foundational pattern of the Christos healing technique.
Sulphur, Mercury and Salt. These principles have the existence throughout all of the kingdoms. They are within all ideas of divine triplicities.
Sulphur is your soul, your feeling, you feel in different ways: the body in touch, the mind in emotion, and the bliss of union, non-separation.
Mercury your spirit: the spirits that rule your instincts, the spirits of thoughts and the holy spirit of illumination.
Salt: the experience of life you have digested, the foundation upon which the temple of wisdom is fashioned.
The first one. The foundation Stone is just that, it gives a foundation to the work. It gives you a familiarity with the language and is a complete work on its own. Once you get a handle on it, if anything else interests you, it is your journey, follow it.
Gematria is a kabbalistic numeric system. Number is a universal archetype, 2 ducks are 2 ducks in every language on earth. No one calls 2 ducks 3 ducks. The Hebrew alphabet is considered to be the 22 original sounds, these sounds are universal, they are arranged differently in different languages. In the bible there is the story of the tower of Babel where there was one language, when the tower was struck there was many languages. The root language was the language of archetypes, thus, number is a universal thread of this one language. These 22 sounds are the pieces of the pie of existence. Pi 22/7 is the ratio of a circle to its diameter, in fractions not decimal, it unfolds the 22 letters as well as the Tree of Life and the Sepher Yetzarah, the book of formation. The circle being the nothing that all things arose from. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God”.
Each word is made of a series of sounds, vibrational frequencies you could say, and they have a number. Like an orchestra, each instrument has its own sound, the combination of these instruments creates a musical environment. This environment has an effect on those who enter it, each instrument is a letter which has a series of corresponding archetypes, visual, and philosophic, a principle of creation. This is a word, the word is the totality of the musical environment, the total of all of its sounds.
Tetragrammaton YHVH 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26 = 8. From this one word we have a story in number 20 and 6. Kaph 20, the archetype of all receivers and Vaw 6, is sex, the union of above and below. 8 is the letter Chayt, a fence, a fence is an enclosure. Chayt is the enclosure of all unevolved cosmic energy. This is womb like, from here we can see YHVH Jehovah’s overview, the result of its addition, 8, is not the end or God as most assume, it is the beginning. The corresponding Tarot card is the Chariot.
This is the Merkabah from the vision of the prophet Ezekiel, this chariot is not stationary it is made to go somewhere, that which is unevolved is to evolve and that is going somewhere.
There is much more here but this is FAQ so I will stay with the story.
26, 20 and 6: 20 Kaph is the Wheel card, it is moving somewhere and has a relationship to our chariot; in the heavens we have the zodiacal wheel and on Earth we have the wheel of the ever changing 4 seasons, above and below. Things evolve upon this 2 wheeled chariot, things are contained within the chariot/womb until they mature, born into something else. This story unfolds and unfolds. 6 is the Hierophant; in times gone by he was the most powerful person on earth, the head of the mysteries, uniting heaven and earth. Sex brings souls from heaven to be born on earth, it could be considered the most powerful force on earth for in many ways it commands the actions of men and women. We are seeing in this story in an archetypal manner, kabbalah is not limited to any one language. The Egyptian hieroglyphs tell stories so too kabbalah, get the idea?
The below article is excerpted from within the Christos Alchemic Meditation flipbook housed within the Christos Alchemic Meditation subscription. To understand the archetypes shared here, please join as a Member and purchase the subscription.
Christos: Was given in an archetypal manner with little information. The archetype has unfolded over many years and today, still, it brings forth new light on its depth. I have written much in relationship to the knowledge contained within the archetype. Wherever I contemplate this archetype and practice, it expresses itself in the perfection of its own unfoldment, not a letter or number out of place.
The writing I present to you is eloquent and profound as if a well-studied scholar was writing a treatise on the nature of this archetypal pattern.
In my early twenties I died in a surfing accident, I went through the death process and at the end the Master appeared. I was given the opportunity to continue the life I had, however, I had to perform a task and that was to bring forth a hermetic key of consciousness. This may sound grand and noble but bear in mind, I was and am dyslexic. I was punished at school for not be able to read or spell with any effectiveness. All of the attachments I had to draw me back to this life have since been taken away by circumstance. The reason for this life is this work.
I knew nothing of meditation or occult things. I had only ever heard the words ‘alchemy’ and ‘kabbalah’ seven years after my death at a live-in workshop on alternative medicine where the words were spoken – I trembled and shook, I was overwhelmed by these 2 words and I said, “I know this”, yet in this life this was the first time I had heard the words. That evening I underwent the first of a series of initiations. These initiations continued for at least 7 years. During this time I found myself chanting the word “Jehovah”, when the 4 letters YHVH were spoke to me so I started chanting those words. Sometime later I seen an image, I think it was in Charles Ponce’s Kabbalah, of the letters of the tetragrammaton placed vertically, I began vibrating the letters in their place on my body. Late one night while doing this, the room filled with energy and an oriental being appeared – he was called the Master Shin. After he had spoken his name, he turned into a figure 8 of light – from here I knew the Christos formula and began practicing it.
I was instructed in the same manner to hold in my mind’s eye, the image of the Magician tarot card and did this for some time - it opened, and then I understood this card and all of the other cards. I did not know at that time that its corresponding Hebrew letter Byth, was the first letter of the first word of Genesis – I do now. At my first initiation, after hearing the words alchemy and kabbalah, I passed through a tunnel that appeared to connect the sphinx to the pyramid – on either wall of the tunnel were 11 base reliefs, as I understood it, these were the original archetypes of the 22 major arcana. The King’s chamber where the sarcophagus is, is where the initiate dies and resurrects. The 22 archetypes, 11 11, gives the relationship between 2 halves of the circle where the 7 stages of the path of initiation travels, Pi. These 22, 11/11, expresses a synchronicity where the above and below expresses a divine language – this divine language is kabbalah. It is said that one must be 40 years of age to enter Kabbalah – this is a pun. 40 is the letter Mem, if you say it your mouth is closed – this is a meditative mind, one that does not burst into activity with the appearance of light. The tarot card of Mem, 40, is the Hanged Man – there is always some kind of trial of purification when the number 40 appears in biblical text. Look at the card, the legs are red as fire and the torso is blue as water, and the head is illumined. Genesis says, when the spirit of God (Shin, the spiritual fire) hovered upon the waters of the deep (Mem) God said let there be light”, and his head was illumined, enlightened. But, remember this, it will turn your head upside down so that what was considered real and important worldly, no longer is. Man is upside down in the world, his true nature is upright where the light of Kether is known, as the Kabbalah says Kether is in Malkuth as Malkuth is in Kether. The Hanged Man is hung from a Tau cross, a cross! The spirit is sacrificed when man enters the world but when realized, transcendence, resurrection, the Soul is conscious. The Hebrew letter Tau is the path from Malkuth, the Kingdom to Yesod, the purifying intelligence – the Moon, Adam’s rib, the psyche. When the psyche is purified of all its shadows of belief and attachment, the inner occult light of the Moon, is seen. Tau, the World is a portal where one enters the inner reality – the Fool returns from his fall.
The Fool’s return is in a divine chariot, the Merkabah, the letter Chayt, the figure 8 where Shin circulates through the 8 – above and below. The serpent bites its tail – I am the alpha and the Omega, “no-one comes unto the Father save through the Son”. The Son/Sun is a solar principle – the Soul.