“Do you get the picture? this is not science as you may know it. This is a different language, a root language. The Bible tells a story of the tower of Babel where there was one language. After the tower was struck, there were many languages and the tribes could not understand one another. The tarot card of the Tower is the tower of Babel and the Hebrew letter Phay 80; phay is the mouth. This language I have spoken in is the one language before the tower, a universal language of archetypes; kabbalah, the language of the birds, the second language that is ever present in the signature of things, for those with eyes to see”.

0X the bull, Hebrew letter Aleph;
Y Yod, the flame in all letters. Gen generation.
Ox the beast of burden, the life/death principle; this is the letter Aleph, number 1, the A sound in the beginning of the first in-breath and the sound of the last out-breath.
Aleph is the primal air. The fool who steps into life from above.
Y is the letter Yod, the supreme self, the true I in I am. It is the number 10; you have 10 fingers above and 10 toes below.
GEN, the letter Gimmel, number 3, the organic movement of life, one life expressing itself through all life and cycles of life/death and renewal, the card of the High Priestess.
N the letter Nun, number 50; an individual existence. Nun is the Death card which suggests death and new life. The individual is separate in form only, this form he/she believes is him, returns to its source at death, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That which animated the form has gone to whence it came. Consciousness is no longer separate but a unified field.
It is oxygen by this definition that enables souls to exist in the body we identify as me. Without oxygen there is no life as we know it on earth. Oxygen oxidizes all of the 7 sacred metals except gold and silver, soul and mind, male and female.

So, can we say that oxygen via life enables the 5 impure metals to oxidize from our consciousness and return to earth.

5 is the pentagram showing the mathematical formula of the golden mean, PHi, seen in the spiral of life upon the shell that contains the living creature.
5 is the Hebrew letter Hey – life, from this can we take a step and consider that in life on Earth the soul gets the opportunity to actualize its awareness through the oxidization of the form it believes it is.
The Sun is our star, it shines continually, by this it is referred to as male. The Moon takes its seed of light and reflects it at night. In the day there is one light, at night there is none or many – Do you turn your light on?
Genesis tells a story of woman coming into being from the rib of man, can you see a relationship between the Sun’s light and its rib, a light reflected by the Moon? Woman has a Luna cycle called a menstrual cycle, 28 days.
The mind is the Moon, consciousness the Sun – 2 hemispheres of the brain; we are separate from the cosmos or do we just think we are separate? Thought separates us, this journey makes us wise, knowing good and evil, think about it, meditate upon it.
And the serpent that hisses said:
“Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Gen.)
2. The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,
3. but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4. “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.
5. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
6. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
7. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so, they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.”

Can you see something in the story and the image?
The cosmos formed the body of man and woman in its image, the consciousness of the cosmos inhabited these bodies and became self-conscious.

Oxygen makes this possible,
trees and plants transmute carbon
dioxide into oxygen but carbon dioxide
cannot exist without oxygen Co2.
We have one atom of carbon and 2 of
oxygen or can we view it as one matter
and 2 spirit, male and female.
Hermetically carbon (Co2) is ruled by Saturn,
a cross upon a cave.
Christ upon the cross overcame death,
matter (below) recycles from one form
to another, it is resurrected in this manner.
The soul (above) inhabits one form
after another, this dynamic is evident
above and below, the law of renewal.
C is the Hebrew letter Kaph 20,
it is “the archetype of receivers”,
matter is the bride of the soul, matter receives the soul into its womb, the body.
C (Kaph) is the Wheel tarot card, the cycle of things, the ever-changing life/death wheel.

O is the letter Vau 6, sex,
“the archetype of all fertilizing substances”,
the Hierophant card, the master who is
the medium between above and below.
6 is 2 triangles, fire the upright flame
and water contained in the cup, male
and female, lingam and yoni.

2 is the letter Byth,
a habitation,
“the symbol of anything
that contains light,
the house,
objective mind, self-consciousness”.
Byth has an audit spelling like all letters (its sound).
B 2, Y 10 and TH 400 = 412 = 7,
7 a triangular roof and a square base.
A pyramid is a golden mean structure,
aligned to the electromagnetic poles of
earth, the cross.
Byth 2 can also be seen in the formula
of Pi 22/7 the diameter and
circumference of the circle,
the nothing all things came from.
The diameter 7 divides the circle into two.
Byth 2, is the first letter of the first word of Genesis “Berethish”, 2 – day and night, 7 days of creation.
Byth is the Magician card where the elements or cross is formed.

CO2 Carbon Dioxide
There is a harmony within the kingdoms of Nature that maintains a healthy relationship between CO2 and O2 – trees. “The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations”.
It is said 5G removes the oxygen.
I believe there is some scientific opinions that it does not, so let us see truth.
Trees have and are being removed because they block 5G. Trees transmute CO2 to O2, they remove matter + and express spirit, life. Whether the technology does this or not, 5G removes oxygen. The signature is in the action, Christ said; “know them by their action” – the doctrine of signatures. The greatest physician in our historic period was Paracelsus, he expressed this aspect of kabbalah in this manner; he described the relationship of Nature to the nature of the body of man, for example, a walnut is like the brain of man; therefore, it must have a sympathy with man’s brain – it is well known as a brain food.
If we consider the doctrine of signatures as a lawful thing, then the removal of trees and oxygen depletion is expressed. Does 5G remove oxygen? Yes, its signature says so.
O2 expresses 2 atoms of life, let us call these atoms male and female.

From this viewpoint it would appear 5G may affect the reproductive process thus effecting gen (oxy-gen) or generations.
5 is life FORCE, the letter Hey, it is also the 5th sphere upon the Kabbalistic tree of life; Geburah, force, Mars upon the pillar of severity.
G (oxi-Gen) is the letter Gimmel 3, “an organic movement” – from this we have lifeforce and organic movement, so how does 5G effect the organic movement of life? The answer is in the equation of 5G, 5 and 3 (Gimmel). The fifth sphere upon the tree is Geburah, Mars and the 3rd sphere is Binah, Saturn – both on the pillar of severity. This shows us an unbalanced force, bringing an inharmonious result, dis-harmony, dis-ease. 3 + 5 = 8, 8 is the sphere Hod, the intellect – it will affect the mind; Hod is the planet Mercury, the mind and communication.
Do you get the picture? this is not science as you may know it.
This is a different language, a root language.
The Bible tells a story of the tower of Babel where there was one language. After the tower was struck, there were many languages and the tribes could not understand one another.
The tarot card of the Tower is the tower of Babel and the Hebrew letter Phay 80; phay is the mouth.
This language I have spoken in is the one language before the tower, a universal language of archetypes; kabbalah, the language of the birds, the second language that is ever present in the signature of things, for those with eyes to see.

Copyright Spirituallife 2020
The Works of Paul Tisdell