Karma, does it exist?
I am going to disappoint some here, oh well!
Karma exists, yes absolutely.
There are 2 keys that are helpful here; 1 is the language of archetypes and 2 is adjustment.
Karma is not punishment, there is a path between extremes, Jesus called it the ‘way’, it is also called the Tao. Christ’s message upon the cross between 2 thieves was a big one, think about that – a living statement of the archetypal language. That is one powerful image that stays with the mind. He transcended from here, TAKE NOTE!!!
He spent 3 days in a cave, why 3 days and why a cave, I am sure 4 days on the beach would have been more pleasant. The 3rd sphere upon the Kabbalist Tree of Life, (remember this is the Judaic tradition and Jesus was of that tradition), is Binah, UNDERSTANDING, and its totem is a cave; understand these events and be wise.

He also said, “reap what you sow” – as I said it is all about “adjustment”, most have the presence and awareness of a brick and have no awareness that action and reaction are connected.
The Justice card of the Tarot is LAW, it is the letter Lammed 30, lammed is “the conscious connecting link”. CONNECTING THE DOTS. ACTION and its REACTION, LAW.
A stone thrown into a pond has waves of reaction emanating from its entry into the waters of life. When one becomes more soul conscious as opposed to ego conscious the karma, action and reaction are closer together than the poor old ego, who is ever not present, off somewhere in the past or creating some delusion called futures; life is not a stock exchange.
Instant karma, ‘kick the dog, step in the dog s–t, get the message? Kick the dog today step in the dog s–t 3 weeks from now no connection. If you learn from the dog s–t you stop kicking the dog and all is well, if you don’t and keep it up the dog bites you, don’t connect this one next time the dog’s owner comes out and flattens you. The sooner you adjust to the way, the sooner you are on your Way.
To make a conscious adjustment you are becoming more conscious, karma becomes your teacher and you become a disciple of your own path. The scales, extremes are held by the central support, Christ amidst the 2, when your karma is your way, ‘you’ become conscious of the center and transcendence is known.