Image of Man
Genesis tells us that Man was created in the image of God, what does this mean? Does God look like us? Is God a man? Or, is man a God?
Your body like all-natural things is built upon the golden ratio, this golden ratio is seen in a shell, a storm, a galaxy and in the simplicity of water going down the drain – hidden in plain sight.
The Bible was written in Hebrew and is kabbalistic, by saying this it tells us it is not a literal work, do not take it literally – each word is an equation that when understood exposes the architecture of creation and consciousness. This is not a religion to be blindly worshiped by the believers of whatever they believe in. It asks us to enter creatively who we are and what creation is.
The image of God it speaks of is seen in the letters mistranslated as Jehovah, Tetragrammaton; these 4 letters placed vertically create a pictogram of man, an archetype. Our consciousness is this archetype.
The first letter of the first word of Genesis is Byth, the number 2 – it has what is termed kabbalistally an ‘audit’ spelling which is how it sounds; B 2, Y 10, Th 400 – this has an equation of 7 (2+10+400=412=7). Byth is known as “the house”; a simple drawing of a house is created from 2 shapes, a square and a triangle – with a little imagination, here we have the pyramid.

The height of the pyramid is Phi, the golden mean of one of its sides. Byth 2, day and night, the 2 shapes of the house, 412 = 7, 7 days of creation, day and night 7 and 2; here we have the archetypal pattern of Genesis, creation. The formula of Pi is 22/7, 7 is the diameter which divides the circle into 2; day and night, good and evil, man and woman – here we have the numerical basis of consciousness and the kabbalah – this is the image of Man. You are creation. It exists in you. It is expressed in your body and the process also is active in your consciousness. Know thyself!
It is said Man is the microcosm of the macrocosm, the mini universe – all of the cosmos, its cosmology, is you! The realization of this is called cosmic consciousness, a consciousness that is transcendent of the limitations of whatever it is you believe you are, your ego. The ego is an image you have created for yourself not the one you were created in; the same basic pattern has repeated itself, you just have to interpret it. Know thyself!
7 and 2 equals 9, 9 is the end of a cycle 1 to 9, 10 to 90, 100 to 900 – get the idea? It is not the number that regenerates itself, it is the zero, the circle, the cycle – the circle is nothing yet out of this no-thing emanates all things.

At the end of the process of creation in Genesis (Gen. 2:4) we move onto a different cycle, from creation to generation and the fall of man where the serpent that hisses suggests if man eats of this fruit, of generation, he/she will become wise, knowing good and evil, be as a God – does this sound like he/she will know himself/herself?

The purpose of the fall into the body. This body like the pyramid is the house of God or where God resides – if we consider the formula of Phi, the spiral of Nature as the Tao, the Way of things, it is this Way where God dwells – by entering the Tao, the ego is surrendered for it cannot control the way of things, although it will try until its last breath.
Christ said; “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light”, “No man comes to the Father except through me”. Consider, Christ, Christ consciousness is the Tao, it is the Way of the Father of Creation – this Way happens within the womb of Mother, let us call her the ‘universe/Nature’; we see the Father’s seed within the Way/womb of the universe; from the shell to the galaxy.