Easter! some Kabbalah
Easter today is about the crucifixion of Christ and his resurrection, it has other connections, but this is where I will focus.
The Earth rotates from east to west, this is a horizonal line. The vertical line is north to south, magnetic.

Here we have a cross, not one like the crucifix but a cross, nevertheless. There is much misunderstanding about the God Jehovah or as kabbalist call it Tetragrammaton, YHVH.
These 4 letters among other things are the 4 directions, 2 letters the horizontal line and 2 the vertical line, a cross.
As I suggested in an earlier post, the Earth is a generator, the revolving of magnetic fields produces electricity, energy. There is a Hebrew letter known as the spirit of God, the spiritual fire, the Sulphur of the alchemist, soul fire. Sulphur is oil, in herbal alchemy the oil is separated from the herb with the essence mercury, leaving the salt to be created from the deadhead, the body of the herb. Sulphur is the letter Shin SHHH, the hiss of the serpent, and fire. Shin is a triune letter, a 3 pronged flame, it is the secret fire of the alchemist. The symbol of alchemic Sulphur is an upright triangle above a cross. A flame rising in transcendence from the cross. If I place Shin in the midst of the Tetragrammic cross I get YHSVH, this is Jeshuah, Jesus.
The term Christos means “the anointed”, can I say the energy Shin is anointing YHVH. These 4 Hebrew letters when placed vertically create the pictogram of man and Shin above the head, crowns the image. Access and knowledge of this energy elevates consciousness like a flame rising from the cross of matter (see the members section on our website, ‘The Christos Meditation’ and ‘The Secret’).

Merkabah – there is much going around today about Merkabah, it is a piece of geometry etc. Merkabah is the vision of Ezikiel, a heavenly chariot, the cube seen in the Chariot card.
This vehicle ascends the Tree of life like a rising flame to arrive at the throne of God, passing through 7 heavenly halls, (Chakras). Upon the Kabbalistic Tree of life, the Throne is in the 3rd sphere Binah, the divine mother, understanding. Binah is Saturn and all crosses are Saturn’s, Saturn is suffering, death and karma. The totem of Binah is a cave, sages enter a cave to meditate seeking enlightenment, understanding. Christ spent 3 days in a cave where he transcended death. Are the ducks starting to line up?
The kabbalah says ‘one cannot know God save through this Bride ‘Shekinah’ SHHHHH. Meditation is in its own way a death, at least to the world. The bible in Genesis tells “and the spirit of God hovered upon the waters of the deep and God said let there be light”. The spirit of God is Shin and the waters of the deep the letter Mem, say MM your mouth is closed, silence, meditation. In meditation there is transcendence from the body, the cross and triangle, a flame and the flame emits light, “let there be light”. Your soul is a flame and its light your spirit, they rise from the cross of matter as the old identification dies, spiritualization occurs.
The Earth is held within a cube of sorts, the 4 directions, a cross, and as it turns it becomes a generator producing energy SHHH….., YHSVH. The Earth is also Christ. Without true spirituality, soul awareness, we crucify the Earth day in and day out. Like wisdom, in today’s world, it is scoffed at by the delusion of the ‘real world’ consciousness, greed and the other sins that separate us from the one thing. “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire”. There is so much more in this archetype but what is given is an easter egg.
The Earth is the Mother we all share.