Fossil fuel is destroying earth, to get this fuel there is much deforestation. Fossil fuel creates smoke and other particulates that can limit sunlight. We are told it affects the ozone layers of earth, it affects water, in many cases ground water. The pollutants are devastating. It pollutes the air we breathe, to create electricity/energy.
The Alchemists suggest one must extract the quintessence from the elements and this quintessence can perform all manner of miracles. Quin means 5, the fifth principle, Christ had 5 wounds that filled the grail and it had miraculous powers.
If you think about it our uses for energy to run our modern world has been forced to move from fossil fuels to hydro, wind and solar, we have in all reality yet to discover the energy in our earth, we use its way in electric motors and generators, but know it not – electromagnetism is a 4-pole devise. The earth has 4 season and our effect upon forestation, our polluting processes, are changing this, the seasons and their weather patterns are changing.
Let us consider what these elements/seasons represent in us: fire – desire, summer, water – mind, spring, air – thoughts, autumn, earth – being present, winter.

Obviously, the quintessence is the energy each of the elements contain. The sun contains light and heat, the water motion, the air motion, and the earth contains the structure, geometry, its architecture which it can produce energy from, as above so below.

The earth has a magnetic flux, north south and it rotates east west, this is a generator that produces electricity/energy.
Yes! Electricity, it is what we are after, this energy runs our world, fuels our desires, our modern life.
The pyramid has 4 sides that align to the 4 directions, its height is Phi of its side. Phi is the golden mean, the mathematical equation seen in the relationship of each spiral in a shell.
The pattern of life, the energy in earth, the energy of earth is life. Our modern world with all of its sophistication is ignorant of the knowledge of the ancients. Life is the manifestation of Earth’s environment, life and death and through this duality one life is sustained. One kingdom is food for another kingdom, but it is only one life we all share, by this alone we are one.

Our world today is in decline, the extinction rate is high, one life form after another is disappearing. Each life form is a step in the journey, in the transmutation of the one thing. With each transmutation there is a rising of vibration or if you understand better, consciousness. Vibration is lawful, Nature demonstrates these laws in patterns, our mind does this as well – we have patterns of behavior and these patterns generate patterns of thought in the mind, the mind sends out waves from these thoughts and we have feelings. Change the pattern! Change the thoughts! and you will feel different – the elements in action. All of this activity requires an energy source, it is said that God is the source of all things, God is the center of everything one could say.
The center is the source of force, the center of a mass is its gravity, the law of attraction and repulsion. Let us call this force energy, the spirit of God.

In the name Joshua/Yeshua YHSVH – Jesus, there are 5 letters, 2 on either side of S (Shin) – Shin is the center of the word. Shin is the background noise we all hear – if we listen we can hear the hissing of the serpent of creation Shhhhh, the center of the spiral of life, the one life we all share.
This is the quintessence of the alchemists, it is this spiritual fire that enables the grail its miraculous properties that can heal the body and mind, it can transmute ignorance into wisdom, a fool to a sage. The kabbalah says one cannot know God save through his bride Shekinah, SHHHHHHH, hear it! – it is in the sound, see it! – “seeing” is in the mind ‘understanding’, do you understand?
The bride in alchemy is the salt created from the deadhead. It is fire that burns the old form, leaving the salt of the earth. She, Shekinah, is the womb, the space containing the Father’s seed, the energy, the fertile Mother of all – she miraculously gives birth to the divine child, the enlightened one who heals and performs the miraculous.
The energy is ‘the way’,
it is in the fire – it moves it,
it is in the water – it moves it,
it is in the air – it moves it,
its movements create the patterns in earth that gives movement as “life”.
Today in our energy crisis we are seeking this quintessence out of necessity, but we know not what this is saying.
The Christos meditation, the quintessence that transforms one thing to another is ‘the way’, the mover of things, the Tao. “The wise do little and achieve much, the foolish do much and achieve little”. The wise know the Way, the energy, they use little energy to achieve, they surrender to it, it’s way. “I and the father are one”.
25th September, 2021