Conspiracy Theory – What Is It?
Conspiracy theory, what is it actually? To conspire has this basic definition, “to plan secretly with other people to do something bad, illegal, or against someone’s wishes”. From this definition I would like to focus first on the term illegal which takes understanding of conspire to one of law. The laws of society are an attempt to mirror the laws that govern our spirituality, our morality, you might say. In our society if you commit a crime and you get caught you do the time. The law of Karma, action and reaction – every action has its reaction, is to guide you to the way, the central path.
There is dharma, right action that leads one towards that central path demonstrated in the crucifixion of Christ between 2 thieves, ‘transcendence’.

These dynamics are used by governments and alike, to create an action so people react in a desired way, this can be as simple as swaying your vote, it is called politics – we make ‘judgement’ and cast our vote, cast your spell. Is this an act of conspiring to achieve an outcome? You be the judge.
Theory, “a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained”.
For a theory to transcend its limitations it must be proven to be truth – how is it proven?
We have science, a court of law, and karma; action and reaction. The ancient wisdom of correspondence suggests that the signature of the action is within the reaction. Christ said know them by their actions. Paracelsus expanded the “doctrine of signatures” where the nature of a plant expressed its virtue; look at a walnut and a brain, walnuts are considered a brain food – get the idea?
This, the doctrine of signatures, is no longer a theory it has been tested and proven for thousands of years – the occult law of sympathy/correspondence. Modern psychology borrowed from this in a poor manner in the practice of word or image association to ascertain the mental state of a patient, police use a form of it in profiling, as I understand.
If I say ‘this is a theory’ then it is covered by a cloud, disbelief, and in this dark cloud the mind projects its beliefs and attachments just like the movie theatre man has created, you can observe this for yourself by watching how your mind works, this process is called “know thyself”, when you know for yourself, it is no longer a theory. There is a vast difference between belief and knowledge, or can I say truth and belief and this you can discover by self-knowledge, self-exploration. No theory this way.
Education is theory based, it is theory and practice that create a balance. The politicized media floods the mass with theories that are portrayed as fact, it polarizes those with sympathies to the story, just a simple emphasis is all it takes. Polarizing is dividing, division of opposing forces creates war. This is the ego’s world, them and us, victim and perpetrator, good and evil. Duality is a swinging pendulum, there is no pendulum at all without its support, what do you support? Without your support the pendulum is just an object tied to a piece of string lying on the ground.
Vested interest always conspires to maintain its interest, this is not good or bad, it is simply its nature. The emphasis implied in the term ‘conspiracy theory’ has a design, it separates and isolates, degrades. In this we see an actual conspiracy, a conscious effort. ‘To conspire’ has this basic definition, “to plan secretly with other people to do something bad, illegal, or against someone’s wishes”. Know them by their actions.
If you control the language, you control the argument.
In our world we have “the authority”, the law, the government, science, health, news etc. We have here authoritarianism for the communal good, we are told. This communal authoritarianism can be called communism, so look at how communist China deals out its media, controls the beliefs of its people, their activities, and if they in anyway oppose the system they are punished and re-educated to fit the vested interest of the ideology, to maintain order and peace? They are now lifting many out of poverty, a good thing or is it numbing questions that lead to weakening belief in their ideology.
Vacc and anti-vacc, right and wrong – if one questions the science, they are isolated, called an anti-vaccer, a conspiracy theorist, how dare they question the authority?
Is there a conspiracy here, or is it a theory? That is for you to explore, belief has a shadow ‘disbelief’, truth has no shadow it simply ‘is’.