Consciousness & the 2 Satans – Above & Below
I would ask you to put aside your beliefs of what Satan is and how it is conceived in religious ideology. I am not going to suggest you worship Satan or anything like that, this is simply a kabbalistic look at the name, its spelling and how this translates to bring forth understanding.
The late Kabbalist Carlos Squares in “A Cypher of Genesis”, if I recall, suggests the word Satan is spelt 2 ways: Shin 300, Tayt 9, Nun 50, and Shin 300, Tayt 9, Nun final 700. Both sound the same but there is a numerical difference of 650.
True Kabbalah is an archetypal language, it is based in sound not letters. “In the beginning was the word”. If you consider number is universal, no matter what language you speak, culture, religion etc., if one holds up 2 fingers 2 is understood, number is a universal archetype.
The word Satan with Nun 50 tells a story: Shin 300 – the spirit of God, enters Tayt 9 – an ovum, the initial female energy and produces Nun 50 – an individual existence, an ego separate from all creation, “it is me”, and “that is mine”.

* The red-hot burning wick – let us call it hell,
* A blue-black flame that devours the fat of the lamb,
* a white light that sits upon the blue-black flame, this white light is a product of the transmutation of matter through fire,
* and a subtle white light that encases the entire flame.

The Zohar, the book of enlightenment, aligns 4 Hebrew letters to these 4 division YHVH, these 4 Hebrew letters when placed vertically above one another create the image of man. “In God’s image was man created”.
Strangely enough the English translation of the Hebrew letter Hey 5 is H, heaven above hell below, H H (YHVH), heaven light, hell red hot burning. Myth shattered, our 2 Satans – one rules hell and one heaven, both within the same being, you. Your instincts H below and your understanding H above, the ego and soul. 650 has 600 in the individual Nun 50, 600 is the final Mem normally 40. Say MMMM your mouth is closed, silence, meditation. The Bible has many examples of 40 and its trials, try and silence your mind for a minute and see how you go. If you consider the rebellion you would face if you tried to silence the mind for any length of time, you could say you confront the demons of hell that want your attention, your divinity, your peace. 600 is cosmic consciousness, the consciousness that is all creation, the word of creation itself.
“Be in the world but not of it”.
If one is Satan of the light then one assumes they are the light and therefor this assumption separates. The all-encompassing flame contains both above and below, “heaven on earth”, said the Christ. This all-encompassing flame is given the letter Yod 10, the supreme self, H 5 below and H 5 above = 10, when the above and below are one Satan is no more, “I am” is attained.
Only when the flame is whole can it transmute the matter of life’s struggles to produce the light of the world. Satan is pictured as a goat headed creature, a devil, there is much here but for now consider the goat climbs the mountain, the symbol of the wisdom. From below to above do we climb as the flame of life rises in transcendence, “be in the world but not of it”.
(As a Member the Foundation Stone series gives a foundation which includes the correspondences of the Hebrew letters/numbers and tarot cards, as does all of my material)