Circle & Dot, Center
This is the symbol given to the Sun, a circle with a dot in the center. These symbols are age old and a part of a very profound language of spirituality. In our world today the authorities of education and public thinking scoff at such, it is looked at as lowly and placed in the basket with conspiracy theories, alternative medicine and anything else that gets in the way of control and profits. Modern psychiatric practice assumes to have the answers to the mind and uses all manner of drugs, helping some and zombifying others.
The symbol of the Sun – in our world, outside the mind, the Sun is the source of light, and one could say life. If you have a lamp in the night/darkness it will draw to it all manner of insects, you can test this for yourself, be a scientist, get a lamp and go outside at night and observe. You can do a thousand tests, even “double-blind” tests, whatever that is – eyes closed and no lamp? What did you see here? In the language of life moths and other creatures of the night, the darkness, are drawn to the light. This can be seen as a parable. If you have no sense of self you can identify with any moth/spirit and become possessed. Christ and other masters spoke in parables for a reason. The individual through an aspect of mind called imagination, can enter the parable and realize the moral of the story within themselves, not be dictated to by the authority of the day, “one must be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven”, he said. How dare he, he did not have a degree in psychology.
If you don’t master your mind something else will master you.
The Sun, in that ancient language is considered the self and the Moon its female partner, the psyche, which the Sun reflects on. Now that must be difficult to understand without a degree, I am sure.
Science tells us that the source of the Sun’s energy comes from within the Sun, its center. If you have a sense of self, you can center yourself, if you don’t it is easy to get lost looking for some form of identity, and you create what is termed an ego. If something threatens this creature you have created, you can get offended and have all manner of upset, justifying its existence. If you have some detachment from this creature, it is not that important, you know who you are, the dot in the center of the circle, the source of the light that fills the circle of your awareness.
In age old magical practice a magician stands in a circle for protection when communing with spirits, here I will make an analogy to thinking. If the circle of the Sun contains the source of its light, nothing can penetrate this circle of awareness.
How often do you get lost in a daydream, an idea, a thought takes your attention and possesses you for a moment, just like the parable. This is not good or bad, it is simply how the mind works.
In less scientific days these things were considered spirits and the wise had a technology to deal with it, magic. Instead of a uni degree there was initiation where the candidate had to survive the trials by confronting their fears and delusions in order to master themselves. Note selves – to master all that took them from the center of the Sun, its dot. There is an immortality here, in this life the self does not die to delusions and become fantasies it believes in, but is ever PRESENT.
The spirits of light, uplifting thoughts and the spirits of darkness, desire and fear. This duality is expressed in the symbol of the salt of alchemy, the art of transmutation; lead, the toxic metal is transmuted to become gold, the metal/strength of the Sun, get it! it is a language.
The symbol of salt is a line with horizontal diameter, the diameter in the center divides the circle into two. Pi the equation of the circle is 22/7, the diameter is 7 divisions long and the circumference 22 divisions long.

7 deadly sins and 7 virtues, is this line, diameter that divides sin and virtue, greed and benevolence etc.
The equation of Pi contains the basis of the cosmology of the Holy Kabbalah, the sacred language of mind, the relationship between the dot and the light. 7 the line is the number of the Hebrew letter Zayin, known as the completed fertilizing act and is given the symbol of the sword. The sword is a weapon used in magic to master demons and angels alike. Christ was crucified between 2 thieves; he said, “I have come with the sword”. What a coincidence!
Could our savior be choice? How much choice do you have, do you know what pride is, have you explored humility and how it sets you free of defending your pride? Choices are yours if you have the center ground. Christ was crucified between 2 thieves for he claimed to be divine and the world of men could not have that. You are divine, it is simply a choice away.

Zayin 7 is the Tarot card of the Lovers, that first choice that brought forth the fall. Well, we have all fallen into the flesh, our mother fell pregnant, and we all fell out at birth. If we have all fallen, then Genesis tells the serpent said to bite of the fruit would make one wise, God like. Could this mean a son/daughter of God, and if we all fell there is only one way to go, return. Choices are yours.
When you realize self, that point is the center of all you see, in life and mind, you can choose what you deem important. To create the diameter of the circle you must have a central dot, choices are yours, this is freedom. Karma is a set of scales supported by a central staff, Christ amidst the 2 thieves.
What would crucify you if you chose a spiritual life, have you the courage to confront your fears and beliefs. When you discover your inner power you discover the power of your divinity, choice.