Awake, Woke – Enlightenment?
There is a term gaining momentum these days, I am not sure which word it actually is, some say the “woke” and some say the “awake”. It doesn’t matter that much, firstly, let me say this does not mean enlightenment. To quote the late Leonard Cohen, “everything has a crack in it, that’s what lets the light in”. There are some cracks appearing in the ‘real world’ and some are seeing the light, as the shadows that create the illusion of the ‘real world’, vanish.
Kabbalah, the ancient oral tradition of passing on the wisdom via word of mouth, a key that shatters (many cracks) the illusions of belief. Moses was the adopted son of the Pharaoh, he would have been highly initiated, master to disciple, word of mouth, kabbalah was one of those keys.
Word of “Mouth”, the Hebrew letter Phay 80, has the totem or archetypal image of the mouth. There is a story, the Tower of Babel, where there was one language, when the tower was struck by lightning none of the tribes could understand each other for they lost that one language. Get it! this is that language, it underlies all languages, dreams, visions and events. The Hebrew letter Phay 80, has the corresponding tarot card the Tower, showing the Tower being struck by lightning. “And he placed at the east of the garden Cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every which way to keep the way of the Tree of Life”. This flaming sword is depicted in the Tower card as the lightning flash, it cuts through and destroys all structures, dogmas man creates to tower over his fellow man, to dominate and rule him. Truth destroys illusion and brings things to the present moment.
It is a Tree of Life, life!
Life is only ever alive now,
the past is a memory and
the future a dream.
The kabbalistic theme of these terms is consistent in essence, it suggests in woke, that the WOKE must have a high moral stance; the Hierophant (W – Vaw), in order to turn the wheel of change; the W of ‘Woke’ is Vau and the K is Kaph phonetically – this is 26, the number of Tetragrammaton, the word or image of God we were created in, says Genesis – YHVH. Just as a note Vau is Taurus which rules the neck; avoid being a redneck, ‘stiff necked fool’, Bob Marley sang.
If you want change, you must be the change, simple enough?
Awake which also gives us ‘wake’: A is Aleph 1, the Fool who steps forward into W Vau the Hierophant. The Hierophant has true morality for he/she is master of the temple, mastered him/herself, therefore he/she can see clearly through the veils of attachment, self-interest, seen in the Devil Ayin, the heavy A (is Ayin) sound in wake. Ayin is the Eye, to see clearly through this eye one must be clear, free from the chains of attachment. Upon the Wheel Kaph, sits the sphinx who is the embodiment of the 4 Cherubim, the 4 sacred animals, sits above the wheel with sword in hand invoking the change, the turning of the wheel (seen in the simplicity of the ever-changing seasons). Upon the wheel are two words YHVH and TORA, the law, Torah is within the image of God YHVH (you) and this turns the wheel. Kaph, the wheel, is the archetype of receivers – we are the image of God, and we reap what we sow, the good and the evil.
To make this change that the awaken see, you must become the change. The N at the end of the ‘awaken’ brings enlightenment.
N is the letter Nun 50, the archetype of all individual existence – the individual has become the change. Nun is the card of Death, the ego and its self-interests, attachments and beliefs has died and the soul transcendent, the change has come, a new beginning. “I am” the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.
Revelations, or the revealing.
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty…”
This is not Christianity, it is the Way, the Way is also called the Tao, “the wise do little and achieve much, the foolish do much and achieve little”, The Tao Te Ching.
Christ said “I am the Way and the truth and the life. …
No-one comes to the father except through me”.
Become the change, then I and the father are truly one.
There is no time,
but the present,
Become Now!
Every time you forget and
fall into the past or dream of the future,
‘Wake Up’, and become the change Now.
The UP in ‘wake up’ is the Hierophant and Tower cards,
the master destroying the tower of containment,
consciousness rises transcending limitation.
Rise up, rise up!
The flame rises from the fat of the lamb creating the light of the world.
Uprising, Visions of Bob Marley, his last LP.
Rise up Jah people, the chains of Babylon’s oppression are cracking,
and the light is entering this world, see clearly.
See it, become it.
Become it and see it.
Paul Tisdell.