A – The Changing II
I recently posted “The Changing” which was well received and gratifying, thank you all who commented so kindly, you have inspired me to add “The Changing II.

Firstly, to express this I must use kabbalistic language for I have no other medium to express these ideas. For the student who wishes to follow these works a simple understanding of the Tree of Life will be of great advantage. I see the Tree as a computer filing system that is in harmony with Nature above and below.
Compartmentalizing our mental connectivity to the Tree, over time new insights occur within us, harmony is harmony, if things are harmonious there is no discord to create confusion. The Kabbalah is an archetypal language, via this all aspects of creation are contained within it. Events in your life have an archetypal statement, you can access this simply by asking the question “what is this saying to me?”
For example, “you have borrowed someone’s car and you are in a rage, the car breaks down at night in the middle of nowhere, you are now stranded in an unsafe place, in the dark, you cannot even find your way out without a light. Your rage has not served you”; the statement of the story really needs no explanation.

The first step to a solution is light, how much information does this one aspect give you, you might have to wait until the Sun comes up.
Upon the Tree of Life the Sun is right in the center in the sphere Tipareth, let us call it “self”. So, you have to wait until you come back to your center, your self.
Simple enough, you get the message. The symbol of the Sun is a circle with a dot, a bit like a target. If you focus your attention on the dot, the center, the mind will still and you will come to peace, a circle with a dot in this manner can change your consciousness, even save your life.
One can do years at uni. studying psychology and not know such simplicity. If you have not the strength to hold your attention then train until you have. There is a phenomenon that constantly expresses itself 11 11, synchronicity, where the above expresses itself in the below, thought and action. If you are reading this, I figure you have experienced it in one form or another. I am now taking you into the mystery of Alchemy, divine chemistry.

Alchemy has 3 basic principles Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. Look at it simply this way: salt is the wick of a candle where fire/Sulphur devours what matters till there is nothing left to burn or digest, the light that emanates from the flame is Mercury. What matters, your feelings and your thoughts, Salt, Sulphur and Mercury; the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. Stand aside psychology, this language is profound, it is in harmony with the heavens, Man and Nature.

The symbol of our salt is a circle divided by a diameter, this gives us the equation 22/7, the diameter is 7 divisions of which the circumference is 22 of these divisions. The diameter divides the circle into above and below, thus our 22 becomes 11 above and 11 below – synchronicity. This equation contains the cosmology of the Kabbalah. Salt is created when all but the basic elements are left, all else is burnt or digested – you work through it.
There are 7 deadly sins, and they veil our perception, so, if you strip away what motivates your actions until you find something like one of these sins and let it go, you have what is without the stuff. The feelings that were burning have nothing left to burn, the flame subsides and its light, the thoughts, stop. Life is a flame, our issues live within us, when the mind is still we could say it is in darkness, when understanding comes it is the light of enlightenment and we see by this light, there is a difference. Try it and prove it.
Revelations chapter 9 has the bottomless pit and abyss where demons, even the Beast 666 resides. What if this bottomless pit is the psyche and the demons represent your stuff and on a larger scale the collective stuff? There is smoke coming out of this pit, fire and brimstone which is Sulphur, it is creating our salt. This is alchemy and the transmutation of?
In this Abyss is the Beast 666, Aleister Crowley called himself the great beast, he gave the actual beast 2 names Choronzon Segal, both names have the kabbalistic value of 333 = 666, 333 above the diameter and 333 below the diameter.
6 is the Hebrew letter Vau, six is sex, Crowley would like that. Vau is a nail, Christ was nailed to the cross with 3
nails, what a coincidence, 666.
There is much here that I will keep for another time.
Let me take you back to the Tree of Life. Between the supernal spheres expressed in Christianity as God the Father, Son and holy Ghost, and the rest of the spheres below, is Daath, knowledge. Daath is the portal to the great abyss and if one tries to cross the abyss with attachments, you have yet to create your salt, then madness awaits. This madness can also occur in what is called kundalini psychosis, you can google that. This knowledge is the key to enlightenment one could say.
Christ was crucified upon the cross of what mattered by 3 nails, he said forgiveness and transcended, get the idea. This knowledge is gained by you transmuting your stuff, we gain knowledge from life’s journey, if you know how to read it, you can change yourself, enlightenment awaits.
Again, there is so much here, I hope there is enough to inspire you to do the work. Christ gave a key, explore forgiveness, get good at it.
Paul Tisdell (4/01/2025)