A – Birth of the Gods, the Alchemy of Conception
Science has discovered that at conception, as the sperm unites with the ovum there is a flash of light. “As above So below”. The masters of humanity have expressed this for thousands upon thousands of years. Today science is starting to get it, a little slow, but I am sure they will accredit themselves to this “new” discovery.
So, what is conception? How do you conceive an idea? Where does it come from? Is it related to the conception of a child? Usually there is a bit of foreplay, a need that seeks fulfillment – the wheel came about this way. Strangely enough, Nature demonstrates many wheels, the seasons etc. as above so below.
Let me shorten this inquiry a little. A need beckons for fulfillment. Circumstance, like divine providence, is a lover seeking its beloved. Emptiness seeks fulfillment, hunger seeks its end in a good meal. Once satisfied, it is at rest until the instinct is awoken by need. Do you see a pattern?

When young we seek answers to our inner needs in the world. A baby seeks love and nourishment from its mother, there is no avoiding this. Childhood programs us to seek the solution to our needs, our problems, outside of ourselves, rarely do we stop and realize the idea to seek something in the world, occurs within. This realization for some is a flash of light and starts a completely different approach to the worldly view, it could be seen as anti-science, not seeking the answer in the world but within oneself.
The differences between the inner and outer world is symbolic; the key to karma is our capacity to connect the relationship between events in our lives and our inner selves, and make adjustment. “What does the experience say to you?”, “You react to what”, Why? There is no value judgement here, just honest inquiry. Justification is a way we create our own law to protect ourselves from ourselves. “NO VALUE JUDGEMENT” enables you to see more clearly ‘what is’, rather than seeing yourself in any light, good or bad. To see ‘what is’, rather than what you create out of need. Need seeks a solution, a story, often a lie you convince yourself of and there is belief, the dynamic. Belief has a shadow, disbelief – truth is the path between. The dynamic of belief, as we create our beliefs, is a container we fill with energy. Like our judgements which are really beliefs, we charge them, and they have a psychic power, a vehicle – to achieve or to fail in our endeavors.

Christ said, “judge and be judged”. This is a key often overlooked. The Tarot shows this key, the card of Judgement shows the dead being resurrected upon the waters. Let us consider the dead are ideas that have passed, if there is little energy within them, they quickly fade but if you give them energy like making a judgement, you give them life, and this allows them to resurrect in your mind. When they reappear, you get to energize them again, they feed off you, parasites! Your judgement becomes the centre of a storm, or spiral, and every time the spiral goes around, it reminds you of the story and you reconnect with the judgement – feeding time at the zoo.
The story becomes something needing to be resolved, you believe it and if you have no control, it controls you. The centre of this storm is a psychic force that not only can possess you but through your judgement, can be projected and harm another.
This has a positive function in affirmations due to repetition, Nature works this way, in spirals – look at a shell, it shows law.

‘It requires wisdom to master the forces of Nature’, said the Sphinx to the initiate.
The Judgement card is the Sulphur of the alchemists, the soul fire, it en-souls, gives life. Solar, the Sun, the light. Hermes said, “therefore am I called thrice great Hermes”. The Hebrew letter Shin 300 is a 3-pronged flame, it is called the ‘spirit of God’, an energy, a spiritual fire. Hermes said, “therefore am I called thrice great Hermes having 3 parts of the philosophy of the ‘whole’ world, that which I have written is consummated concerning the operations of the Sun”.

Controlling our sexual urges, our appetites, is training for this step, beyond the body into the universe of mind, as above so below.
Every thought is light, it is this light that enlightens, this light is the source of all life on all planes. When you understand, the lights connect, and you see with a new clarity. Understand this wisdom and be wise.
Paul Tisdell, 29/01/2025