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A – Modern Medicine II

I recently posted an article about Paracelsus and the connection to homeopathy, as it was well received by some, I will expand the function of law. This explanation goes beyond Homeopathy and is the foundation of life and consciousness.

There is a Kabbalistic work called the Zohar, the book of enlightenment or splendour. In a chapter called “the consuming fire”, it explains the relationship between a single flame and the 4 lettered name of God mistranslated as Jehovah, YHVH , Tetragrammaton. This is the name of God Genesis says we were created in the image of. If you place these 4 letters in order vertically it creates the image of man which is not a coincidence.

If you light or give life to a single candle flame and look closely, you will see there are 4 subtle divisions:
* a burning wick – the vitality/instincts of the body ( Hey, final),
* a blue-black flame – your mental emotional body ( Vaw),
* the white light above – understanding ( Hey),
* and a subtle all-encompassing flame ( Yod); our 4 letters.
The all-encompassing flame contains the other divisions, this is the head of the image, the letter Yod in Hebrew, it is the tear drop or flame, as above so below. Yod is within every letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The word Alpha bet is the first 2 letters of Hebrew: Aleph and Byth.

The Kabbalah has 4 worlds of creation, each a letter of YHVH:
* the world of archetypes Y,
* the world of creation H,
* the world of formation V,
* and the world of action H.
“Ideas” “create” “thoughts” which “formulate” into “actions”.
If an event in life makes its impression on you, ask, “what is it saying” and if you are fortunate enough to get an answer it will be an archetypal statement and from this you will enter the conversation between you and your soul.
Here is to be found the dynamic of synchronicity 11 11, it expresses itself in the one language that existed before the fall of the biblical tower; kabbalah, the language of the archetypes, the Egyptian hieroglyphs are archetypes.

Be patient, it can take time to get it clear. With inquiry you will see how this idea created thoughts which formulated, you felt the need to act. Only by childlike play, self-examination, does it expose itself.

A flame is lit from above. Hermes says in the Emerald Tablet, “True without error certain and most true, that which is ABOVE is as that which is below, and that which is Below is as that which is above”. Christ said, “know them by their actions”. The ideas that motivate are seen in the actions, this is law, it does not lie.
Be as a flame so the ideas inspire to bring the understanding, digesting the matters of life, the light created from this world. Christ said, “I am the light, the life and the way”.

In homeopathy the symptoms the patient has physically, mentally and emotionally create a picture, “what is it saying”. Remedies have a proving, showing the symptoms of many homeopaths taking a remedy and compiling a picture of its symptoms, scientific one might say. The remedy is chosen that fits closely with the patient’s symptoms, therefore, it is an archetype. It is potentised so its vibration is higher than the physical, as the all-encompassing flame is subtle and its vibration is different from the rest of the flame, look for yourself. This subtle vibrating archetype contains the whole flame, it is proportional to the burning wick and thus ‘like cures like’, the rest of the flame responds, the body heals itself as the flame harmonizes.

Try this, if you truly understand how certain thoughts etc affect your health, and you apply that ‘understanding’ to your thoughts and emotions, the body will respond, this is how affirmations work. There is so much more here, the Sphinx has 4 Cherubim for a reason. Hope this brings understanding, this is truly wholistic, it is not like antibiotics, it is law.

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The below is the first article I referred to.
We were not going to repost here in an attempt to not be too controversial,
decided to do so anyway.

Modern Medicine I

In the 15th century existed one Theophrastus Von Hohenhelm. He studied and became a doctor. He changed his name to the ‘one greater than Celsius’, Paracelsus. After his graduation he wandered Europe seeking knowledge of the true healing arts. During his journey he became initiated into the Hermetic art (Alchemy etc) by the same initiator as the father of modern magick, Henry Cornelius Agrippa. Legend has it they were both initiated by the one called the Arab who was said to be 600 years old.

Having gained entry into the Hermetic mysteries he quickly embraced the ways of Alchemy. He said upon his return that he could make better medicine out of shit than all his contemporaries could from their teaching, he was right. He became physician to most of the royal families of Europe for one reason only, it was not for his charm, the word bombastic comes from his name, it was because there was no physician that could touch him. He even rid an entire province of bubonic plague without one drop of medicine, he used talismans. He wrote extensively during his short life; he was murdered by jealous colleagues at the age of 40, I believe. He was called the second Hermes.

His writings were in alchemic language, which to the uninitiated is strange at best. Alchemy has as it base 3 divine principles: Sulphur, Mercury and Salt, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. When he spoke of these principles, those who wished to copy his ways took it literally, just like many scholars read the bible literally. So, instead of alchemic mercury, which is not the metal, they used the metal, it is a poison.  Look at medicine today, it is all poisons.  There is a process in Alchemy called the medicine of the metals, and of-course, they made medicine from metals. You can simply see the beginning of modern pharmacy from this root misunderstanding.

Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, created homeopathy after translating the works of Paracelsus. In many ways homeopathy has been murdered by the same system that murdered Paracelsus. Homeopathy is occult medicine, Hermetic medicine; the substance, which is little, does nothing physically, if tested scientifically, it has nothing to offer. However, it enacts law, and this law brings about change. Consider gravity, test it, hold a brick a foot or so above your foot, then simply let it go, gravity will place it painfully obvious upon your foot. This is occult because one is dealing with unseen forces, spiritual forces, not a thing science can actually grasp, even today.

If we had an understanding of spiritual law, we would have a different mindset towards Nature and our fellow man. Those in power, business etc are mostly motivated by greed at all costs and look at where we are. Like the medical philosophy that rules today these sacred laws Hermes spoke of are mocked, laughed at and considered a sacrilege against their man-made God, science. A knife in the hands of a chef is a good meal, in the hands of someone possessed by madness is dangerous.

Isaac Newton, the father of the law of gravity, was an initiated Hermetic. What does that tell you?

Imagine where we would be if the great minds that became our medical world were educated in truth, not falsehood. A homeopathic medicine is all but costless, pharmacy would profit little, a completely different environment. Don’t think the deception ends there, the tradition of alchemy suggests that unless the alchemist has transmuted their own being, nothing will occur. It demonstrates the relationship between Man, the Cosmos and Nature, it is one cohesive whole. As the Emerald Tablet of Hermes says, “That which is above is as that which is below”, Christ said, “Heaven on Earth”, there it is, he also said “know them by their actions”.

Disease is rampant, the Earth is unwell, and we are all suffering because of falsehood. Consider if law, natural law, was significant, if we lived in the knowledge that the Earth and the Heavens were one with Man, we would have a Holy/Whole trinity. Our father is above us, our mother supports our every move, and we, their children are the embodiment of their grace, their love. A different way of life.  What would we have to change to embrace such a truth, confront the seven deadly sins, greed, jealousy, hatred, etc. The seven colours of the rainbow that were present at the end of the deluge when the Earth was cleansed, mastery of the beast and his seven deadly sins.
Peace, Paul