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A – The Changing

(The below I had posted to my Facebook page (3/01/25)
and thought it appropriate to also place here)

There is something that I wish to talk about with you. There is a limited number of people who actually read my posts and even less who actually take from what I offer.

There are many who speak of a change that will affect the consciousness of man, the earth is ending, the second coming, etc. etc. Well, it is happening and how it plays out is up to how we as humanity react to these changes.

If lite rain, rains on a tiled roof it is hard to hear, if you hear it at all, but on a tin roof it is easily heard. You can hear rain on the tin roof and the why’s are obvious. Mankind is going through a change in his/her psyche, or I could say we are becoming more psychic. We have a growing sensory perception, we feel stuff, even ideas come to mind, you know when someone is going to ring you, not an uncommon thing, just a coincidence?

If you have no clarity of mind, no will power to still the mind, stop thoughts and stories becoming a feeling, and feelings becoming thoughts, in simple terms that most will understand, you are fucked if the perception of the mind opens beyond the limits of the real world.
With the advent of modern medicine, chemicalized food, and an environment that is so full of poison, most people are already tripping in the illusionary plane called the ‘real world’. Television, movies, media creating all manner of illusionary planes, not to mention religious fantasy of righteousness and devotion to rubbish that is so unbalanced it sees its fellow man as creatures called non-believers and they should be slaughtered for not holding the same dogmatic belief that all worship. I am not pointing at any one sacred revelation, I am however, pointing at the madness of those who do not really understand what it is about. This is another form of fans and their football violence, but the teams have their belief, not experience of God, beliefs to justify their madness.

I have said for some years now that man’s present demise requires a change in consciousness. Simply overcoming greed is a change in consciousness and that would change the life of many as well as the wellbeing of Earth, you know that sacred planet we inhabit.

So let me cut to the chase, the awakening of the psyche, we could call it women’s liberation, for the psyche is Eve, who came from the rib of Adam. Do you think a rib could represent the Moon, if this is so, Adam is the cosmos or as the kabbalists call him Adam Kadmon, the heavenly man. Hermetics, which goes back to Egypt and beyond tells us man is the mini universe, microcosm of the macrocosm. This ancient art tells man’s organs etc. are ruled by the planets and so too the herbs, thus they heal the organs, i.e. dandelion is ruled by Jupiter and so too is the liver which dandelion remedies – all of Nature is held by these laws. What appeared at the end of the flood to show harmony was restored?  A rainbow!  The 7 sacred planets. There it is, hidden in plain sight in Genesis, Noah’s ark, where life on Earth after a disaster was to start again, 7 days of creation – ring any bells?

Adams rib, the crested Moon, does not the Moon reflect the Sun’s light, it governs the tides and the cycles of woman. In Alchemy, there is the marriage of the Sun and Moon, both hemispheres of the brain, day awareness and night dreaming, this is confirmed by what Jung call synchronicity, 11/11.

Have you experienced the prophetic nature of dreams, how they reflect upon your daily life and so on? Dreams are the world of the psyche, psychics see things in the dreaming mind, premonitions, intuitions, feelings, visions etc. etc. “I was just thinking of you, and you rang, what a coincidence”???

The only thing limited to the body is the body, and you, if you believe that the body is all you are.

It is very easy to become deluded, trying to sort out the mind, its ideas, thoughts visions etc. Mind is not limited to our senses, our beliefs may veil its eye, but it has an eye nevertheless. If you want a horse to pull your cart, you must train it – this little story tells us, “Train the mind”, you are not it, it is your servant, or you are its slave. Simple enough?  You can watch TV all day, change stations, the volume, even turn it off if you have the freedom of will to do so, but wait there is more, addictions are hard to master, they cannot be mastered without some self-mastery, after all it is you who is addicted, not what you are addicted to.

The Bible has many examples of purification after 40 days of trial, fasting etc. It is said one must be 40 years of age to enter Kabbalah, this is a pun. 40 is the Hebrew letter Mem, the primal root of water.  I call water ‘mind’, and water is ruled by the Moon.
Mem, say MMMM, you will find your mouth is closed.

All of those trials and suffering to silence the mind. Try to still it for one minute, it will probably ask you, “is it a minute yet?”, after 30 seconds.

From this I hope you draw the idea that to master the mind one must first silence it, meditation! Once you have some mastery of meditation you can become present and still the mind, also you will have noticed that if you focus your attention, the mind stills.

If the psyche opens its portals of perception and you have not trained the mind, not confronted your demons, your beliefs and attachments – madness awaits. Look around you, there is madness everywhere, it is getting worse day by day. Wars, greed, authoritarian rule, false and true information.  Where is the stability to be found? In you, you must stabilize your mind or the medico-pharma authoritarian regime will turn you into a controlled zombi, a threat to no one, especially their profit margins.

I cannot train you on Facebook, it is a challenge to train someone anywhere, in a way one has to bash the student with a stick every time the mind wanders, I think the Buddhist call it Vipassana.  Unless you know what it is to not be possessed by mind, how can you cope with an influx of mind’s perception. 

The great work is before you, self-transformation also called transmutation, base metals to Gold. Gold is the alchemic metal of the Sun whose symbol is a circle with a dot. Without the Sun what can you see?  Without the Sun you are not. The dot in the centre, self-awareness. There is much more to say here but there is enough for the sincere student of ‘know thyself’, to get the idea. If you are not doing the work, you are wasting this life, and it will be difficult to stay balanced in these changing times. If you have no centre, no point of the real, no point of relativity, you are lost at sea, in the ocean of mind.
Paul Tisdell (3/01/2025)