Many of the mysteries lie half exposed in the wind upon the desert sands of belief.
Blasphemy, “the veil of the believer avoiding the confrontation of truth”.
Let us consider Satan and Lucifer as duality, one seeks the light, and one stays in the ignorance of belief, darkness.
Good and Evil, the serpent said, “the fruits of life are to know duality and become wise”.
The serpent hisses, this is the sound of silence, put your finger to your lips, tongue between your teeth and blow, there it is, the universal gesture, the sound of silence is shhhhh….. This sound is the Hebrew letter Shin 300, the spirit of God, the energy that permeates all things, the “one thing” Hermes speaks of in the Emerald Tablet. It is the spiritual fire, the secret fire of the Alchemists, the soulfire/sulphur.
If you consider the 3 and 1/2 coils of Kundalini as the wick of a candle, Shin is this fire above that ignites it, the half coil is your step – the 3 coils is the grace of Shin, the fire burning that which you believe matters. The serpent rises as a flame transcending the cross of matter, here we have the symbol of alchemic sulphur. This flame separates light and darkness, yet one thief turned, the ‘light bearer’, the bright and morning star, the beginning of a new day before the Sun rises from the east, the 3 wise men came from the east. The thrice great Hermes, “having 3 parts of the philosophy of the whole world, that which I have written is consummated concerning the operations of the Sun” (Emerald Tablet); the Sun rises in the East, the flame ignites with the body of matter and rises as the Sun, born from the virgin.
The wise have no need to practice good deeds for the Good emanates from their true nature. Those who tread the path towards the wisdom have good deeds as their dharma, Lucifer the bearer of light, “do unto others”, the light before the dawning Sun.
Shin is a 3-pronged flame, ancient deities are often seen with a pitchfork, even the devil himself. Many of the mysteries lie half exposed in the wind upon the desert sands of belief.
The spiritual fire is called into the sacrificial offering, the cross of Tetragrammaton, the 4 lettered name that you are in the image of YHVH. This is Jehovah, the Old Testament God, when Shin enters the image, God is not outside the image, his spirit dwells within YHSVH, Jeshuah/Jesus. The rest is superstition. God dwells in you, to hear him you must be silent and present. The serpent’s kiss.