3 Laws: Synthesis, Sympathy, Economy
Events spiral around a centre. If you are not in your centre, you are in the events. When events become your centre you are always in a spin. The centre of a storm is still yet all of its energy is held to it. Be still and come to your centre. Feelings are a sensory organ, when you are in touch with your feelings you can still them, when you can do this you can also tell what is from within you and what is not. Intuition mostly comes as a feeling. When you are the centre of your feeling body, intuition becomes the consciousness you inhabit. This is the way of the Tao, what spins around this centre has meaning and significance, you don’t think stuff up, it comes into the awareness. If you are sympathetic to it, it will take your attention. If the consciousness is impure, full of the world, these sympathies will draw to you things that are sympathetic. This dynamic some call the law of attraction, I call it the law of sympathy.
There are 3 laws I call supernal laws, that means all lesser laws are in some way subservient to them: the law of Synthesis, the focus of your attention, sometimes called will, the law of Sympathy and the law of Economy: Mercury, Sulphur and Salt. To access the law of Economy the other 2 laws must be in function. I wrote this many years ago.

The Law of Economy – The Sun, SUCCESS
Love is the Law. If you are a part of a food chain, you will be eaten. If you live in harmony, all supports all. For all is one. This is an attitude to life, contemplate. Be clear as to your motive (review 3 Laws). Unconditional love brings clarity of the mind, purifies all motive, for one law is for the benefit of all. Love is the law. Willfully become love. Invoke Love. When you feel good about yourself and your actions, you remove impurities of low self-esteem, you begin to love yourself. Remember, you are:

The more you love yourself, the more you love all. When you love all, all is unified by the one law. This is the creative flow of the universe. We all get what we love. Love is not emotion, it is energy. Energy follows thought. Emotion is energy in motion. Energy in motion creates action.
Loving thoughts formulate actions of benefit to all. Compassion is loving thoughts formed into loving actions. When in harmony with all, all is attainable. Waste not energy on vanity and pride. Allow love to flow to all and the all will flow to you. The simplest things are the most economical. Love is the simplest thing; anyone can be in love. Love is Lawful.
If you are focused in the center, ‘present here now’, you are economical, you can consciously give awareness/energy to what you will, each thought comes at a cost, and like gravity it is held by sympathy to your attachments and beliefs. This gravity draws your attention to it, keeps it orbiting around your Sun, the center of your solar system, solar/soul. The more you realize this and act economically, the more the soul awakens. This can be likened to the salt of alchemy – when the deadhead (ego), the form that held the sulphur/soul and mercury/spirit is burnt by the soul’s fire/sulphur, we understand in its light, mercury. This burning of what we once were leaves the bare essential elements, the salt and we change, a transmutation takes place.
The greatest value is in its application, put theory to practice and know for yourself.
Paul Tisdell